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Zoe Fry

Mill Valley, California

Artist’s Work

Since the beginning of the Pandemic, Zoe has been working on a collaborative art project called Hearts of Gratitude


Building a Forest

Zoe’s Tree Concepts

The Fire Tree and

The Tree of Generosity


The FIRE installation was chosen for the 2020 Burning Man Honoraria collection. I’m proposing to bring one or more of her FIRE trees to be included in The Black Rock Forrest. The whole FIRE Installation could potentially be placed near The BRC Forest.



Tree of Generosity

A second Manzanita project is in the works as well. The Tree of Generosity will be a large Manzanita tree encrusted with Swarovski crystals and mounted on a bronze tree root base. The project is an exploration into the relationship of natural shape and manufactured bedazzlement combining to create a beautiful entity. As a love letter to a dear friend, this project lives deep in my heart.


To help with these projects and more, contact us at:


Artist’s Tree Progress