Tree of the Week 6


Forests are not made up of a single species. They are composed of many types of trees and other life forms. We think initially of the trees, but it only takes a moment for other elements to come into focus, the vines, bushes, animals, insects and ground coverings that are also part of the ecosystem.

And unseen by our eyes are the microbe and fungi that are an important part of the nourishment and recycling in the forest.

The interplay and connection between all of these elements are an important component of the health and success of a community. All parts are important, all parts play a role.

Witness the interaction of Kathy Richardson’s playful foxes with a model of Dana Albany’s tree form. The gifts of shade and shelter are exchanged with the gift of fertilization and seed distribution. The cycle of both lives are intertwined. Both individuals important for the success of the whole.

We look forward to more elements of the Forest being created. Come join us!