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Tia Kansara

London, England


Dr. Tia Kansara (Hon FRIBA) is a multi award-winning entrepreneur and economist. The youngest to ever receive the Royal Institute British Architects honorary fellowship, she is the co-founder of Kansara Hackney Ltd, the first ISO-certified sustainable lifestyle consultancy, and CEO of Replenish Earth Ltd, a cause and a collective action to protect the global commons.

Hailed amongst the Top 100 most influential leaders in Tech by the Financial Times and Inclusive Boards, her clients include Coca Cola, Bloomberg, the European Commission, Forbes, Formula One, MIT, and Siemens.

Her publications in peer-reviewed journals range from sustainable cities to human performance, presenting her findings at conferences internationally through social media. She has been invited to advise on sustainable cities for the government and private sector.

As a professional moderator, lecturer and author; she has interviewed world figures and experts, moderating for Forbes, Coca Cola, European Business Angels Network and London Business School, and delivered keynote speeches on the future of cities. She has lectured at New Delhi School of Planning; Musashi Institute of Technology; KEA University; McGill University; University of British Columbia; School of Architecture and Planning; and School of Architecture, to name a few. She is currently a visiting professor at the Centre of Environment Planning and Technology.


About Replenish Earth

Replenish Earth is the philosophy of living in harmony with nature; it is a cause and a collective action to protect the global commons - the natural resources we all share. Replenish Earth has advised 120 businesses and 90 governments on their strategies to transition away from fossil fuels, designing business models and products with a net positive impact on the environment. Replenish Earth has given millions an immersive, multi-sensory experience of nature with exhibitions, conferences, retreats and online content. Replenish Earth has created foresight tools to develop moonshots for executive leadership and created thousands of jobs for people who value the Replenish Ecosystem.  


To educate and inspire change towards Replenishing Earth rather than sustaining the status quo.       

Create by design and innovation away from landfill sites. 

Eco Futurism

Replenish Earth is a community of the avant garde, living closely with natural systems, experimenting and exploring the moonshots of eco-futurism. We prize ourselves in helping our members see the cracks in the legacy systems we have inherited. We retrocast futures that are more aligned with replenishing earth. We concentrate on giving experiences that people will never forget. 

 The personal journey towards living in harmony with nature is fraught with challenges. The first is to identify with ‘waste’. Often we negate its presence, blind to the responsibility of waste being our responsibility. Where do we begin when we recognise the journey is of self-empowerment as well as an existential journey towards an identity beyond consumerism. We crave acceptance by brands when we buy their products (i.e. “open happiness when you open a coca cola”). What happens when the insecurity caused by sadness is met by branded emotions? We substitute our emotional longing with branded goods that promise the fulfillment of them. Yet, there is no glass bottle of a sugary drink that can sustain contentment...if there is - I’d like to know. So where do we begin in exploring post-consumerism?


Dream Tank is a 501c3 youth social enterprise that is on a mission to lead one of the most effective headquarters for innovation and problem solving in the world. Their team of youth from around the world is focused on making their biggest dreams become a reality through entrepreneurship, design thinking, and collective impact. We focus on creative ideas that have a positive social and environmental impact and use the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as a framework. Youth ages 8-28 learn the entrepreneurial skills, gain the resources, and obtain the mindsets needed to lead their communities and cities in building a better world.  By providing cross-generational teams with the tools and confidence they need to be successful, Dream Tank is on track to produce some of the most unique and beneficial products and services in the world www.dreamtank.co metaburn.org 

 Tuck Tyrrell MSc

Tuck is an applied ecologist, earth repair practitioner, and holistic scientist. As a graduate from Schumacher College, Tuck embodies the teachings of Gaia Theory (Earth Systems Science), Deep Ecology, Holism, and Living System Complexity. He works to restore natural waterbodies and revive biodiverse forests to help our Earth heal for the countless generations to come. From large-scale reforestation in the Olympic Rainforest to small-scale agroforestry in the Montana wilderness, Tuck intends to spend his life planting trees, reviving water, and creating home for the more-than-human.

 Finbar O’Hanlon

The music of the Tree Temple is an audio atmosphere designed to create a representation of the tree. There are two binaural beats 520 Hz center and 80 hz center with 2 Hz differential on 80 Hz and 6 hz differential on 520 Hz. These frequencies are mathematical in nature. Sounds of the spheres. Then there are a number of chimes programmed to sound like wind chimes with a random timing sequence but looped in time, to create an audio reference to the cycle of life. These are bit crushed to 8 bit. They are overlaid with a recording of an old growth cedar forest atmosphere and a time stretched breath signature. Lots of detail to produce something so simple. And therein lies the art how to encode the elements so that they exist in a harmonic structure that can appeal to the uninitiated. 

Building a Forest

Tia’s Tree - The Tree Temple


The trees invite us to commune with them, nurturing our innate nature. Every step we take in the outdoors connects us with the vast ecology that replenishes us. Take your shoes off and feel the ground, allow the resonance of nature to vibrate through you. Meditate on the subterranean bioacoustics that help you to align with the multiverse. 

To visit this tree, go to https://hubs.mozilla.com/dghz6aY/dream-tank-portal-survival 

Artist’s Tree Progress