
Kato Rempel

Vancouver, BC, Canada


Kato Rempel, AFCA, SCA is a visual artist from Vancouver, British Columbia.

After spending 14 years in the graphic design industry when the computer age was blossoming she escaped to the South East Asia with her family. She studied foreign cultures, art and architectural design in Sri Lanka. Intertwined with these travel adventures she studied oil painting and eventually turned art into her career.

Her artwork is in private collections worldwide, from London, England to Sydney, Australia, Germany, Australia, Canada, India to the United States. Kato has won several awards through the Federation of Canadian Artists juried shows throughout the years.  

Kato’s figurative oil paintings often embody a sense of longing for the unknown.  We feel this in the dichotomy between what we see and what exists in our own inner world of our mind. In pushing subject matter, her earlier work was an expression of intimacy and connectedness. Her recent paintings voice a narrative of strength and blossoming womanhood. 

She often uses a uniquely low horizon line to create a ‘larger than life’ sentimentality.  In many of her earlier works she used an extreme foreshortening effect to create emotional tension within the space.  Her Abstracted Realism paintings are strongly influenced by the Bauhaus architectural movement of the early 1900s. Kato’s newest work with Acrylic and Charcoal on paper exemplifies this strong line and geometric influence. Some have commented that her work takes on a cubist sensation.

Artist’s Work

Building a Forest

Kato's Tree Concept

Because figure painting is my primary passion, I plan on creating either a realistic oil painting or abstracted painting incorporating an ancient tree with the human form.

I have also joined with a friend to build an installation based on a kaleidoscope concept of looking into the earth and into the universe. More to follow…