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Doretta Bonner

Woodside, CA


A lover of music, fine art, photography and all visual arts, I have spent most of my life as a writer and now in my adult life as a photographer. Having grown up with my father who was also a photographer, an art collector and later a conservator, I was gratefully exposed at a young age to many art mediums. 

My time now is spent shooting in some of my favorite places such as California, Africa and Black Rock City.

I currently work for The Samburu Project, a non profit which supports and funds the drilling of fresh water wells in Samburu Kenya an extremely drought stricken area of the planet.

I will now embark on my very first Black Rock City art project with anticipitation, pride and enthusiasm.

Artist’s Work

Building a Forest

Doretta’s Tree - The Eagle’s Nest

The Eagle’s Nest

A beautiful structure of woven metal emulating the branches of an old tree, the top branches spreading outward, almost like hands to embrace and support the nest, a round structure of cushions and pillows. A ladder will allow viewers to climb up into the nest.

So as like a mother eagle, so are the viewers; there during the day to care for and be with one’s kindred souls, and at night to rest, protect and simply observe all that is happening and surrounding  below.

Like an eagle in her nest protecting her children, one looks down over the land from a vantage point, with the purpose of being able to watch and “see the forest for the trees".

Artist’s Tree Progress