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Anton Grig

Moscow, Russia


I have been making art since 2007.

I am engaged in self-education. I study different tools and technologies for working with wood, metal, plastic and lights. I work in different styles.

I make shade canopies for festivals in Europe. I also make art objects and decorations in my hometown, Moscow, for shops, restaurants and mass events.

My goal is to learn how to build the most stunning installations.
It interests me to come up with the technical plans of how to implement interesting and complex artistic ideas.

Artist’s Work

Building a Forest

Anton’s Tree - Energy Fruit

This is a sculpture with a viewing platform. It has all the hallmarks of a tree: a trunk with a spiral staircase to the top. There is a root system at the base of the tree to help keep the structure on the ground.  
The branches are played by geometric structures radiating from the central trunk. It has a mesh structure to allow the wind to pass through them, and the fruits on the branches create wind chimes.  When the branches end, they connect to the root system, forming a closed energy loop.  In the center of the structure there is a space for viewing the surrounding reality, everyone who rises and becomes the main fruit there. The wood temple are based on a metal frame with elements cut from polywood. 

Artist’s Tree Progress