Kathy Richardson - use.JPG

Kathy Richardson

San Francisco, CA


I am a techie turned artist, and primarily a self taught artist. 

Engineering research and art are quite similar disciplines. They require creativity, a high-level vision, a command of implementation details, coalescing a multitude of ideas and requirements into a simple and elegant solution, a dedication to quality and the ability to see the work through to the end. 

I primarily work as a mosaic and fused glass, but have a wide range of other skills that augment this work.

In recent years I've expanded into metal to support larger pieces.  As part of the Flaming Lotus Girls, I spend some of my spare time creating large flaming metal sculptures.

Artist’s Work

Building a Forest

Kathy’s Addition to the Forest - Fox Family

It is not all about the trees. A forest is made up of all sorts of organisms, those that support the forest and those that subsist on the forest. Meet this adorable family of foxes. They will gambol and thrive under the branches.

Artist’s Tree Progress