Why a Forest?

No two trees are the same, and yet each is important in sustaining life and adding beauty.

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A forest is an apt metaphor for the greater art community, and for the community at large. Each individual tree and bush and vine and creature contribute to the whole. Each year there is renewal and growth. There is symbiosis and interdependency, nurturing and communication.

Two Part Project


Each artist will submit an images and videos of their tree to this website, where they will be collected and curated into a collaborative art presentation.

That presentation will consist of a short introductory video, and a searchable webpage describing the Black Rock Forest Project, the artists, and their art pieces.

We intend to launch the project as part of The Multiverse Virtual Burning Man 2020.

We value Inclusiveness and International participation. A virtual space is vast and can allow any media, even those not robust enough to withstand a challenging Playa environment.

We invite established as well as first time artists.


Each artist is invited to bring their tree to Nevada for creation of a physical Black Rock Forest during the 2021 Burning Man event.

Sculptures would be organized on Playa and augmented with lighting and sound. Imagine a path through the trees where one could wander with benches placed for seated reflection and connection.

Trees that are small sculptures, paintings or other frame-able art would be placed in a more sheltered spot, such as Center Camp or the ARTery.

The Black Rock Forest is a celebration of connection, splendid in diversity and warm with inclusion.

Forests Grow! This website will continually change as new artists are added and as artists update their progress. Check back with us often!