Welcome to the Black Rock Forest Project!

Come help us make the Forest.

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What we had instantly created was a community. And... you know if we had done it as an art event, people would have come, and come to the gallery or something, and said “It’s very interesting, perhaps a little derivative, what are you going to do next?”
— Larry Harvey, Founder of Burning Man
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In 1986 a seed was planted on a beach in San Francisco. It was watered with creativity and curiosity.  The wind blew the seed east to the desert where it grew deep and global roots that connected artists, creators, and believers annually to an event called Burning Man.

A single seed became Black Rock City, a place where hundreds of thousands of people have come to call…HOME.

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A desert proved to be fertile soil and, 33 years later, it has inspired a large network of possibility grounded in 10 principles. The 2020 Burning Man theme is “The Multiverse”, and our current global situation moves us unexpectedly into the digital realm.

The 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic has not only destroyed the health of many people, it has also resulted in a profound sense of global isolation. It has ravaged our feelings of community and trust. A loss of that close kinship with each other that is so life giving and affirming. The cancellation of this year’s building of Black Rock City threatened to separate us from our friends and to leave a void in our artistic world, with feelings of disconnection and of social isolation have affected the entire globe. In our small way, we are striving to eliminate some of that isolation.

Introducing The Black Rock Forest Project.

We have invited artists from across the globe to create a tree, using the media of their choice. Each tree is to be an expression of the artist’s sense of individuality, but once included in the Forest, it would acknowledge their belonging to a greater whole.